Let it be released from the mind

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Crazy dreads guy

Normally when remarking about someone I see on the road, if I refer to them as crazy I mean like insane-ish. However this guy is crazy for different reasons. I have seen crazy dreads guy on multiple occasions in Kensington near Connecticut Avenue and University Blvd. Although he seems geared up for running, with robo-short red shorts like those popular in the 80's (think Ocean Pacific brand) and a yellow shirt, he always seems to be walking with extra long strides and a bounce in his step. And then as I pass him I notice the extended dreads that grow on the back of his head. Picture a dreaded mullet. Not as in dreaded like "alas" but fo' real dreads. The front of his head looks like a cropped bowl cut with unruly blonde hair, and going down the center of his back is a rat tail gone wrong--a clump of hair probably 10 inches in circumference. There's nothing wrong with it, I just don't get it.

So he seems like he is a super hippy running guy. On the way to visit my grandmother, I drove north towards Olney and saw him way far from what I suspected was home. Here is a map to better show you. If he's not running, is he long-step power walking 12 miles roundtrip? That's fairly hardcore.

And, congratulations for reading my 100th post. For this you get intellectual stimulation and a smark of perplexment (word?) for approximately 22 seconds.


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