Let it be released from the mind

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

long weekend delight

Sounds like an extra special dish at a Chinese massage parlor/all-you-can-eat buffet.

The weekend started off on Friday with a pork chop superbly stuffed (if I do say so myself) with sauteed spinach, parmesan cheese, sundried tomatoes and garlic. Sundried tomatoes are so '90's, I know. But it rocked regardless. Meg so graciously joined us and a feast was had. Then we began that ever so popular game of Texas Hold 'em, and believe it or not (...George isn't at home...)I won the second game. Fancy that we made a bet beforehand that winner gets one drink from each loser, so I get drunk for free next time we all go out (January, 2008 to be exact).

Saturday I continued on my exercise kick and went walking and running on the Paint Branch trail. I definitely saw an albino donkey/deer/unicorn too. I swear my right eye is doing much better... To better exercise my brain I had a feats of strength contest to knit furiously (which stimulates) and watch my first ever Nascar race (which depletes). Don't give me shit--I was only half watching, with my bad eye, and it was only the first 20 laps and the last 20. After dutifully sitting at the computer for 3 hours trying to plan my upcoming vacation, I changed into my "club attire" and headed to Crazy Christina's in Dupont for caiparinha's and Baccatta's (spelling could be very botch-erous) and samba dancing in the most opportune place--Heritage India. So Buddha, Felicia, and I, and throngs of other lower-half fast-moving European individuals samba-ed the night away.

So what is samba you ask? Basically moving your feet and butt as fast as you possibly can for about 5 hours and then waking up the next morning and relinquishing the ability to walk down stairs.

I honestly can't remember any great details of the rest of the weekend. Perhaps its because my ears didn't stop ringing until Monday night. By then I was shrouded in a cloud of dust and Laika hair from cleaning all day. But no one wants to hear about that.


At 1:05 PM, Blogger Chris said...

I'd like to hear more about the cleaning and the Laika hair. Yes, yes I would.


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