Wii got a Wii!!
You would be surprised that D did not actually buy this product, considering he enjoys buying large-ticket items while I'm out of town. D's gracious parents gave us this gift for stealing my husband away for a week year after year to take care of their old and somewhat vile cats while they're on vacation. Seriously, I love animals, and I actually quite enjoy their cats despite being a dog person in general. But these cats are disgusting. One of them actually puked in the door jamb. This made me hysterically laugh, and then curl up my lips in anguish.
Soooo, I played it for the first time last night, accompanied by green Harp beer (the key is 2 drops of coloring, btw, after many experiments) and buffalo wings. It was like I was in college again....
It won't be long before I'm kicking butt at the sports game that it came with. So what other games should I get???