Let it be released from the mind

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I love Johnny Knoxville

I know, I know...he really isn't attractive. And he makes a living exploring ways to lose his testicles.

But after watching 3 hours of the Jackass 24 hour takeover on MTV, I felt like a teenage girl again. My friends scoff at me. How could I watch such disturbing behavior and condone it? Well, I fell into the trap of Sunday morning laziness. And when, inthe 23rd hour, they began their dance party, hearts began appearing in my eyes.

The song that played first was "I love the nightlife" (I love to boogie, on the disco rooouuunnd ooo yea) and Johnny danced like you would never expect. He had no preconceived notions of what was cool and what was not. This song, along with another classic "Come On Eileen", seemed to him like the best songs ever written. And he danced and he worked the camera, and he lip-synced every single word like a pro. He found a special place in my heart in those 6 minutes. I now love him. D is aware of the situation.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

the real reason i want a Wii

I'm sure people order take-out and then play this:


Monday, February 04, 2008

This morning on the way to work I was greeted with a full rainbow in Bowie. I knew this meant a big day for the world, because such beauty could never shine on PG county. And then I realized what such glory could be:

Chipotle Restaurants [Locator] have an offer in which you may purchase a $10 Chipotle Gift Card sometime between Feb 2 and Feb 12, you will then be eligible for a FREE Burrito on Feb 13 or Feb 14. You must bring your receipt showing that the GC was purchased during the above dates. [Chipotle Menu].

Superbowl recap

For once a good game on the superbowl. I thought that was impossible!

Fav Commercial of our group: Doritos Rat beating, seconded by barfind e-trade baby

Most hated Commercial of our group: Sales Genie.com

Greatest Fear: questionable Under Armour ad will plummet my stock more